Guest Post, Book Excerpts, Giveaway: Claudia Connor, author of Worth the Fall, discusses a writer’s mind

Today Fab Fantasy Fiction welcome author Claudia Connor who’ll be discussing the mind of a writer. In addition, there’s some information about WORTH THE FALL, her new book (releasing tomorrow, 9/9), some excepts, a giveaway, and other fun stuff.

The publisher has asked for reviews not to be posted until the release day, but I will let you all know this is a fabulous love story. Matt McKinney is a hero to swoon over and Abby, plus her four engaging children, steal your heart too. I pulled out my Kleenex box with this story and want to tell all of

Wicked Wednesday Cover Reveal: Holding Out for a Superhero!

If you love your romance with super SUPER alpha heroes – you’ll want to add this collection – HOLDING OUT FOR A SUPERHERO – to your must-read list!

Superheroes do it better.

From USA Today Bestselling Authors, Nana Malone and V.J. Chambers, and Bestselling Authors June Gray and Joni Hahn, four scintillating full-length romance novels featuring sexy superheroes and the strong women that prove to be their weakness.
Protector by Nana Malone
Vigil by V.J. Chambers
The Origin by June Gray
Agent M4: Riordan by Joni Hahn

Release Date: September 15, 2014




Protector by Nana Malone

The enemy …

Tasty Tuesday Review: Brassicas by Laura B. Russell

imageIt’s hard to think of leafy greens as sexy or romantic and broccoli and cauliflower – forget it! But you’ll quickly change your opinion of these vegetables when you begin to read Laura B. Russell‘s amazing cookbook, Brassicas. Now, I cheated a bit with that statement as how could le petit chou – or Brussels Sprouts not seem a bit sexy when given its French name (also an affectionate appellation). But in truth, this family of vegetables, the Brassicas, has had a bum rap. Jokes are made about Presidents who don’t like broccoli, smelly cabbage, and, in truth, …

Review: Susan Elizabeth Phillips’ HEROES ARE MY WEAKNESS is a must-read, modern day gothic page turner!

imageI’ve really enjoyed Susan Elizabeth Phillips‘ novels for a long time. My favorite of her books are in her Chicago Stars series (also the first series of hers that I read). To be absolutely honest, I haven’t *loved* every book she’s written, but most of them. She’s one of those writers that even if I find some of the storyline hard going, that I’ll continue reading the title.

To say I was intrigued by her most recent book, Heroes Are My Weakness is an understatement. My first glance at the cover, a jean clad, red parka wearing view of …

Throwback Thursday: ISO Mary Stewart – again

imageReading Susan Elizabeth Phillips’ย Heroes Are My Weaknessย I’m jonesing to read some classic Mary Stewart gothic romances. Yes, she’s a weakness of mine. One of my all time fave authors – ever. I wrote about searching for digital versions of her titles in one of my first Throwback Thursday posts (see: /2014/01/throwback-thursday-iso-some-old.html) and wanted to double check now to see if any of her titles had become available in the six-plus months since that post appeared. They haven’t – at least on Amazon in the United States.

What? Yes, this is one of those times that I’m tempted …